
All HTML Tag List

HTML Tag List Tag What it is When to use it <A> Anchor (most commonly a link) Vital. Use to create links in content. Use the title attribute whenever the contents of the  <a>…</a>  pair do not accurately describe what you’ll get from selecting the link. Title attribute often displays as a tooltip in visual browsers, which may be a helpful usability aid. <ABBR> Defines an abbreviation Works in a similar way to  <dfn>  and  <acronym> , using a  title  attribute (displays a tooltip in standard visual browsers). e.g.  <abbr title=”Hypertext markup language”>HTML</abbr> <ACRONYM > Defines an acronym Works in a similar way to  <abbr>  and  <dfn> , using a  title  attribute (displays a tooltip in standard visual browsers). <ADDRESS > Used for marking up a physical (e.g. mailing) address Not commonly used. Recommend looking into microformats, which...

Excel Shortcuts

All Excel Shortcuts keys Main Category Shortcut key Description Dialog Box Alt+F8 Macro dialog box Dialog Box Alt+’ To open format style dialog box Dialog Box Ctrl+1 Format cells dialog box Dialog Box Shift+Ctrl+F+F To open the Font tab in Format cells dialog box Dialog Box Ctrl+Alt+V To displays the "Paste Special" dialog box Dialog Box Ctrl+T To display the Create Table dialog box Dialog Box Ctrl+Shift+F To display the Format cells dialog box Dialog Box Esc Cancel the Command and close dialog box Entering Data Ctrl+shift+: To insert current time Entering Data Ctrl+’ Fill the above formula in down Entering Data Ctrl+: To insert current time Entering Data Ctrl+; To insert current date Entering Data Ctrl+R To fill the right Entering Data Ctrl+Y To redo the last action Entering Data Ctrl+Delete To delete to end of word File Shift+F11 To insert new worksheet File Shift+F12 To save the file File Ctrl+F12 To open the file File Ctrl+Shift+F12 To give the p...

Excel Important Formula which is asked by interviewer.

Excel Important Formula 1. SUM Formula: =SUM ( 5, 5) or =SUM ( A1, B1) or =SUM ( A1 : B5) The SUM formula does exactly what you would expect. It allows you to add 2 or more numbers together. You can use cell references as well in this formula. The above shows you different examples. You can have numbers in there separated by commas and it will add them together for you, you can have cell references and as long as there are numbers in those cells it will add them together for you, or you can have a range of cells with a colon in between the 2 cells, and it will add the numbers in all the cells in the range. 2. COUNT Formula: =COUNT ( A1 : A10) The count formula counts the number of cells in a range that have numbers in them. This formula only works with numbers though: It only counts the cells where there are numbers. **Learn more about the COUNT function in this on-demand, online course. FREE preview** 3. COUNTA Formula: =COUNTA ( A1 : A10) ...